1. The main activity of the trust is to give assistance for education, school fees etc. The trust is giving main assistance as per the available fund. School students and poor children are given priority.
  2. Food grains and food are given to poor people, beggars children. Human welfare programme for food is done by the trust.
  3. Medical aid is given to poor. Here the trust is giving assistance to needy people as per the fund available.
  4. Counselling work in personnel problems, education, employment etc., is done by the foundation the issues are kept confidential.
  5. Awareness creating and information giving on some issues like be vegetarian, non-violence etc. is done online or through camps, seminars, videos, print media etc.
  6. The trust is planning some activities like organising tours for senior citizens, orphan and slums children etc. and several other activities for senior citizens, orphan children, helpless women in near future.
  7. During earthquake of Gujarat – Kutchh welfare activities in food grain, education fees etc. were done by the trust.
  8. The foundation is time to time announcing awards and competitions in various skills for excellence. Best girls, students were awarded in past for std.10 and std.12. Essay competitions, story, poetry , painting etc competitions are arranged time to time.
  9. Recently Kutchhi Kavya Spardha was declared and the result is also announced.
  10. The latest activity of the trust is to collect the data of rural artisans and artists. The foundation will be doing their publicity and marketing once the data is available.